IPEM MR Advanced Acceleration Technology Task and Finish Group Resources
Visit the IPEM website to access links for all resources and material, which now includes webinars, live resources, pulse sequence sharing resources, and case studies.
These webinars provide essential information on MR AAT technology and its implementation from users across the UK and Ireland. These resources are suitable for anyone working in MRI, including Physicists, Radiographers, Radiologists and Radiology Service Managers.
Webinar 1 provides an overview of MR AAT across the three main vendors and discusses the deployment of it, with the primary goal of increasing patient throughput in MR.
Webinars 2-4 then focus on the vendor implementations of the technology and provide user examples and case studies of the impact of the AAT across clinical services.
MR AAT live resource
This live resource provides detailed information on MR AAT and its implementation from users across the UK and Ireland. It includes an overview of the availability of the software across the three main vendors, where it works well and less well, and the expected impact on patient throughput. The resource is open to both IPEM and non-IPEM members. This resource will be regularly updated as knowledge and experience of the different vendor implementations of AAT grows in the MR community.
Contributions are welcome from anyone who is involved in the deployment and implementation of AAT in research or clinical scanning. If you see any gaps in the information that you believe you can plug, please get in touch with the T&F group (email michael.hutton4@nhs.net and steven.jackson6@nhs.net). They are still particularly keen to hear from anyone with experience in implementing the new Philips Compressed SENSE AI software.
MR AAT pulse sequence sharing resource on GitHub
There is now a library of example sequences (for direct upload onto compatible MR scanners) for the three main MR vendors. These may be used on compatible systems or act as a reference to demonstrate a successful implementation of AAT. In general only sequences with AAT applied are provided, recognising that protocols differ across institutions with little standardisation so there’s little benefit in providing a full protocol.
Only the T&F group can upload material to the GitHub and our plan is to keep the resource clutter-free (multiple examples of a sequence for a given anatomy for example will not be given).
MR AAT case studies
Addition of anatomy and technique specific case studies to the resource is now underway. More examples will be added over the coming months and contributions are welcome from the community so please get in touch if you have something you would like to share via the T&F group.
IPEM Topical Report on MR AAT (Coming 2024!)
A final output of an an IPEM Topical Report on MR AAT, covering all aspects of MR AAT including guidance on purchasing, evaluation and implementation and impact assessments is due in 2024. This is a work in progress, and aims to be published early to mid 2024.
Mike Hutton, Co-chair IPEM AAT T&F group, Christie Medical Physics and Engineering, Regional Medical Physics Service (North West)
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Email: Michael.hutton4@nhs.net